1. About the Department
The Department of History offers courses leading to BA, MA, PDDCT, M.Phil and Ph.D Degrees. Its teaching programme is designed to provide students with a broad overview of world history narrowing down to focus on the history of India. Since its inception lakhs of learners are obtaining the knowledge as well as Degrees in History with special emphasis on socio-economic and cultural history aspects.
Under Graduate programme (BA) was launched in 1984 with a view of reaping the benefits of higher education to the vast sections of learners spread across the states i.e. AndhraPradesh and Telangana. Bachelor’s Degree is being offered in English, Telugu and Urdu Medium. At present nearly thirty thousand learners are on-rolls in B.A.History. The Under Graduate and Post Graduate Programme study material is not only the catering the needs of learners in the University but also most readable study material in history for General Public. It is also acclaimed as the best reference material for those who are preparing competitive examinations such as UPSC, APPSC and other recruitment boards. The MA Programme is offered at twenty Post Graduate study centres spread in all districts including Hyderabad city. Department of History organized many National and International Seminars and Symposiums.
2. Experts Associated
The Department has the guidance of outstanding historians of International fame such as Prof. K.N.Panikker and Prof. Sarvepally Gopal. The courses have been prepared under the eminent guidance of Prof. Sarojini Regani, Prof. Radha Krishna Sharma, Prof. Vakulabharanam Ramakrishna, Prof.K.S.S. Sheshan, Prof. Y.Vaikuntam, Prof. V.M.Reddy, Prof. Somasunder Rao, Prof.V.Kishan Rao, Prof. Alladi Vaidehi, Prof.A.Bobbili, Prof. Adapa Satyanarayana and many other prominent historians. The Department started by Prof. Ramakrishna Reddy and took forward by Prof. Subramanyam, Prof. V.Ramakrishna Reddy and Prof. E. Sudha Rani. The Subject experts from various Universities within and outside the state contributed immensely to the development of the courses in the Department.
3. Programmes and Courses offered
BA – The Department is offering three year Bachelor Degree in History since 1984 in English and Telugu Mediums. The Urdu Medium is offered since 1997. The Main objective of the Department is to acquaint the learners with the historical, socio-economical and cultural developments in India as well as the world. The course material has been revising and incorporating recent developments in the course material. From 2017-18 academic year the University has adopted CBCS pattern where the learner study History from first semester itself and the pattern of study will be Semester wise instead of year wise. Overall Department of History is offering twelve courses in history for three years. In the view of the political developments such as state bifurcation the Department of History has offered a separate course on the history and culture of Telangana.
MA – Master’s Programme in History is introduced in the year 1994 in Telugu Medium. The Department took lead in shifting focus from political and Administrative history to Socio-Economic History. Entire courses have been thematically designed. It also pioneered the study of contemporary history as one of the paper in MA. At present ten courses are offered in MA Programme.
- Ancient Civilizations
- Historical Method
- Modern Revolutions
- Indian National Movement, 1857-1947 A.D
- History of Andhras from the earliest times upto 1687 A.D
- Socio-Economic History of India from the Earliest Times upto 700 A.D
- Socio-Economic History of India from 700 A.D to 1707 A.D
- Social History of Modern India
- History of Modern Andhra from 1687 to 1956 A.D
- Contemporary History of India from 1947-2010 A.D
The PG Courses have been revised regularly. Innovative topics have been incorporated and the information is being updated keeping in the view of the recent developments in History while revising the courses.
M.Phil, Ph.D
At the research level the Department’s primary focus is on the socio-economic and cultural history of the Deccan Region, namely Andhra Pradesh, Telangana. At the same time , an in-depth study of the linkages (socio-cultural and economic) of the Deccan Region with other Indian regions and outside world are also attempted. There is a twofold aim of all research activities in the Department.
- Widening the database in its studies of local and regional history
- Introducing an inter-disciplinary approach to understand the underlying social and economic realities of the history of the Deccan through ages.
Research Programmes leading to the award of M.Phil and Ph.D were introduced from the year 2008. In first batch nine scholars got enrolled in M.Phil and three scholars enrolled in Ph.D. In second batch eight scholars in M.Phil and five Scholars in Ph.D joined. Four Ph.D scholars were awarded Ph.D degrees. Due to technical reasons Research programmes had been stopped after two batches. Again as per the UGC guidelines Research Programmes have been started from 2018-19 academic year. Presently 16 Ph.D and 7 M.Phil Scholars are pursuing research in Department of History.
4. PG Diploma in Culture and Heritage Tourism
PD Diploma in Culture and Heritage Tourism is introduced in the year 2011-12 in English Medium in 19 regional coordination centres spread in AndhraPradesh and Telangana states. The prime objective of this programme is to provide an vocational type of courses for Graduates in General and those graduates who studied history as one of their optional subjects at their Degree level in particular.
The programme also aims to help those persons who have taken up either Tourism promotion as their profession in augmenting and strengthening their branch of field knowledge and thereby contribute for their professional enrichment. And also to train learners for the better and effective functioning of the Tourism Department by providing persons who are well-equipped with adequate and up to date knowledge in the operational techniques and methods. And last but not least to bring awareness among learners on the avenues for Tourism and rich cultural Heritage.
5. Instructional Material
The Department is adopting multimedia instructional approach. Apart from the well structured self instructional course material in Print, Audio and Visual components through radio and video lessons and Tele-conferences have been organised. Face to Face counselling classes for under graduate and Post Graduate learners is being conducted at various study centres spread across the state. The Personal contact programme for the research scholars are being conducted in the University campus. So far the Department of History has produced around hundred radio lessons,50 video lessons and around 30 Tele conferences.
Gold Medal is being sponsored by State Bank of Hyderabad for History toppers in UG and PG level. Every academic year topper gets gold medal from this department.
Faculty Profiles
Prof. E. Sudha Rani
Dr.E.Sudha Rani is the senior faculty member of the department; She did her M.A. and Ph.D. from Osmania University and M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University. And she was awarded Junior Research Fellowship in 1988. Her areas of research interests are Gender and Dalit in contemporary and modern periods. She joined this University as an A ssistant Professor in 1992, and got elevated to professorship in 2007.She served as the Head of the department from 2002 to 2014 and also as the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences. She was instrumental in designing the post graduate course in History and revising existing courses regularly to incorporate the latest developments in the subject. She has sphereheaded the introduction of new courses namely, P.G. Diploma in Culture and Heritage Tourism, History of Andhras and Contemporary History of India. She is editor, coordinator and course writer for UG and PG and PG Diploma programs. Three Ph.D Scholars have been awarded under her able guidance sofar. Presently she is guiding four doctoral students and four M.Phil. students in the department. Further she is also an external guide to doctoral students of Osmania University. She teaches Historical Method at S.P. college study centre, Secunderabad for M.A. students. She participated in more than twenty Tele-Conferences. And produced twenty five Tele-lessons and fifteen Radio lessons.
Dr.Sudha Rani has been nominated by the government of AP as an Academic Senate member of Krishna University in 2013. She is also member, Board of Studies for eight Universities. And adjudicator of theses and dissertations, Curriculum Revision Committees of several Universities in India.
International Dalit solidarity network has invited her in 2006 Hague, Netherlands as resource person in the conference on Human Rights and Dignity of Dalit Women. She was one of the members of drafting committee of Hague declaration on Dalit Women Rights.
Prof. Sudha Rani was awarded with DAAD exchange of scientists’fellowship in 2009,to conduct research on ‘Caste, Labour and State in Telangana’ at South Asia Institute Heidelberg. While she was in Germany delivered lectures at Humboldt University Berlin, Martin Luther University Halle on invitation. The Columbia University New York, USA has invited her in 2009 as panellist on Gender and Caste in the conference on Caste and contemporary India. In the same year she was also invited by Rutgers University New Jersey to speak on Dalit women in decision making. International Networking of Engaged Buddhists has invited her in 2013, to Koulalampur, Malaysia to deliver a lecture on ‘Tradition and Modernity: Religion and Spirituality in the changing world’.
Dr.Sudha Rani participated in fourteen international Conferences and sixty National, Regional level conferences, seminars and presented papers on a variety of themes. She published fifteen papers in various Journals and Books. And also published two books.
She has delivered Presidential lectures in the 33rd session of South India History Congress at Kannanur, Kerala in 2010 and in the 37th annual session of AndhraPradesh History Congress in 2013 at Avanigadda, AndhraPradesh. Prof. Sudha Rani has written and edited Intermediate and Open Inter history text books.She gave several public lectures on social issues outside university. And member of many professional bodies like Indian History Congress, South Indian History Congress, Andhrapradesh History Congress and Indian Association of Women Studies.. And also Editorial Board Member in some of the journals. She was the local secretary of 33rd Social Science Congress session hosted by Dr.BRAOU.
Ongoing Research Projects
- Caste and Famine in Madras Presidency (UGC Major Research Project)
- Performance of Under Graduate students of Dr.BRAOU (DEC Minor Research Project)
Prof. Srinivas Vaddanam
Prof. Srinivas Vaddanam is Professor and present Head, Department of History. He Joined in this University in the year 2006. He did his M.A (History), M.Ed, MCJ, Ph.D from Osmania University. He got Gold Medal in Master of Communication and Journalism from Osmania University. His areas of interest on Media, Modern Indian History and regional history. He is teaching Modern World for Under Graduate students and Social History of Modern India for Post Graduate students. He is actively involved in the revision of Post Graduate and Under Graduate Courses as Course Co-ordinator, Associate Editor and Editor. He contributed several units for the UG and PG courses and PG Diploma in Culture and Heritage Tourism. He participated more than 30 Tele-Conferences,Tele-lessons and Radio lessons.
Prof. Srinivas attended and presented papers in various International, National and Regional Seminars. Presently he is Life Member of Andhrapradesh History Congress and Life Member of Indian History Congress and South Indian History Congress. He published 18 research articles in reputed journals and Books. Prestigious Andhrapradesh History Congress 37th Annual Session’s proceeding has been edited by Prof Srinivas Vaddanam. And also he has been associating with Andhrapradesh Open School and Board of Intermediate History Text Book preparation as a Editor and writer. Under his guidance Six Ph. D and three M.Phil scholars are pursuing their research in the History department One Scholar completed Ph.D under his guidance. Further he is also an external guide to doctoral students of Osmania University.
Dr. G. Dayakar
Dr. G. Dayakar is Associate Professor in Department of History. He joined the Department in the year 2010. He obtained his M.A History from Kakatiya University and got Gold Medal for this. He got M.Phil from P.S.Telugu University and Ph.D from Kakatiya University. His areas of interests are Economic History of Medieval and Modern India. He is involved in the course revision work of UG & PG programmes, as course co-ordinator and writer. He contributed several units for UG & PG Programmes. Dr.Dayakar published twelve articles in various reputed journals and Books. And also he attended more than forty National and Regional seminars and workshops. He produced eight Tele-lessons and fifteen Radio lessons. Presently he is teaching Indian History and Culture for Under Graduate Students and Modern Revolutions for Post Graduate Students. He was the Executive Member of South Indian History Congress And life member of Andhrapradesh History Congress, South Indian History Congress and Indian History Congress.