1. About the department of Psychology
Keeping in view the importance of psychology in modern society, Dr. BRAOU has established the Department of Psychology in 2008 – 09.U. G and P. G programs were also launched in 2008 – 09 and 2009-10 respectively. At U G level, psychology is offered as one of the three group subjects. Further, the University has introduced credit based choice system (CBCS) at UG level in 2017-18. Accordingly, the course structure and syllabi were revised through the constitution of Subject Expert Committees. These programs aim at providing students with an understanding of various methods, theories, and conceptual models, principles that serve as a framework for understanding human behaviour and to help them enhance cognitive, affective and behavioural abilities. With regard to self learning material (SLM), the Department of Psychology has prepared its own material, both in English and Telugu for U.G courses. However, for P G courses, the university used, initially, Tamilnadu Open University material. Later, the department developed its own material in English for M. Sc. Psychology courses in 2013-14.
Faculty Members: For the functioning of the department and to provide academic support to the implementation of academic programs, the university has also appointed faculty members on contractual basis. Following are the staff members of the department:
- Prof. D. Janardhana Reddy, M.A., Ph. D
- Dr.Narasimlu, M.A., M. Ed. M. Phil., Ph. D
- Mrs. D. Sriveni, M.A., M. Phil
2. Programs Offered
The Department is offering M. Sc. Psychology of two years duration and U G program of three years duration. With regard to medium of instruction, while P. G program is offered in English medium only, U. G program is offered in both English and Telugu medium.
- To provide students with an understanding of various models, principles that serve as framework for understanding human behaviour
- To help students understand and enhance cognitive, affective and behavioural abilities
- To familiarize students with applications of psychology in modern society
- To cultivate in students a spirit of research and to provideskills needed for conducting research studies,
- To prepare students for advanced courses in psychology,
- To provide an understanding of mental health problems
3. Course Structure of P. G & U. G Programs
M. Sc. psychology program consists of 10 courses, five courses each in I and II year.
I year:
In first year there are four theory courses and one practical course. The theory courses are: Principles of Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychopathology and Life Span Development. The practical course is titled as Statistics and Experimental Psychology.
II year:
In II year also there are four theory courses and one practical course. The titles of theory courses are: Personality, Counselling Psychology, Organizational Behaviour and Research Methodology. Practicum is titled as Psychometry and Psychological Testing.
Assignments: In both I and II year, theory courses have the component of assignments. Students need to submit two assignments for each course. Theory courses carry70 marks each and assignments 30 marks i.e. each course carries 100 marks. Practical courses also carry 100 marks each. In total, 10 courses for 1000 marks.
Practicum: Psychology subject has the component of practical work. It involves conduction of experiments, administration of tests, analysis of data, record writing, viva voce etc. To cite a few as an example, the experiments are: Span of attention, concept formation, Trial and error learning, habit interference, immediate memory etc. Similarly, some of the tests are: Intelligence tests, aptitude tests, personality tests, stress and anxiety tests, creativity, emotional intelligence, projective tests etc. Practical classes are conducted for six days in each year and attendance in classes is compulsory.
U G psychology program has credit based choice system (CBCS) and six semesters. Under this system, there are core courses, elective courses and skill enhancement courses. Core courses are compulsory and electives are optional. In the first four semesters only core course are offered and in the last two semesters i.e. third year, electives are offered. Each course has five credits of 20 marks each i.e. each course carries 100 marks. In sum U G psychology program has six core courses and four elective courses spread over six semesters i e. Three years and two Skill Enhancement Courses in IV semester. Titles of courses in the order of semesters, from semester 1 to 6, are given below.
Core courses: Foundations of Psychology, Cognitive and Behavioural Processes, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Life Span Development and Psychological Assessment. Each course has four credits of 80 marks (theory) and one credit of 20 marks for practicum.
Elective courses: Educational Psychology/ Organizational Psychology (V semester) and Health Psychology/Psychological Competencies (VI Semester). Each course has five credits of 100 marks. Students need to choose one elective in each semester.
Practicum: All core courses except electives have the component of practicum with one credit (20 marks) per course. Psychology subject has the component of practical work. It involves conduction of experiments, administration of tests, analysis of data, record writing, viva voce etc. To cite a few as an example, the experiments are: Distraction of attention, Concept formation, Transfer of training, Habit interference, Short term memory etc. Similarly, some of the tests are: Intelligence tests, Aptitude tests, Personality tests, Depression tests, Aggression tests, Projective tests etc. Practical classes are conducted for four days in each semester and attendance in classes is compulsory.
Skill Enhancement Courses:
Two courses: 1. Stress Management and 2. Entrepreneurship Psychology. Each course has two credits of 40 marks. These courses are open to all students. Any student irrespective of their subjects of study, psychology or non-psychology students can choose these courses.
- U. G: (a) Pass in Eligibility Test (E.T) or (b) Pass in Intermediate or its equivalent course Minimum Age: 18 years
- P. G: Degree in any discipline from any recognized University
Mode of Admission
U. G and P. G programs: Online admissions
Duration of the Program :
U. G – Minimum 3 years – Maximum 9 years
P. G – Minimum 2 years – Maximum 6 years
4. Student Support Services
Academic support is provided to students to develop knowledge and an understanding of the subject in multiple ways:
- Direct teaching: Contact Crum Counselling Classes are conducted for 16 days on Sundays. Only theory courses are covered in these classes and practical classes are conducted separately.
- Audio Video Programs: Audio lessons and video lessons are developed, recorded and broadcast /telecast in All India Radio / Doordarshan (Yadagiri).Video lessons are also unloaded in YouTube channel.
- Self Learning Material (Print): University has developed its own study material for all courses of the subject and distributed to students of both P. G and U. G programs. U. G material is available in Telugu language also.
- Practical Classes in the laboratory: Practical classes are conducted to provide knowledge, skills and hands-on experience in conducting experiments and administering tests.
5. Career Opportunities:
There are multiple career path ways in psychology both in India and abroad. Psychologists work in different fields. Following are some of the opportunities.
Higher Studies:
Students with P G degree can do research for M. Phil and Ph.D. degrees in any university and some students will also get research fellowships. They can also do M.Phil. Clinical Psychology or Rehabilitation Psychology approved by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), to practice as Clinical/Rehabilitation Psychologists. Another professional program is P G Diploma in Counselling.
Psychology degree holders can work as Counsellors/Psychologists in various institutions like Schools, Colleges, IITs, Mental Health Institutes, Hospitals, Prisons, Juvenile Homes, Rehabilitation Centres, Industries, Organizations, Sports, Army, and NGOs etc.
Academic positions are also available in universities, colleges, schools, Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) etc. Psychology is also offered as one of the subjects in the colleges of Education (B. Ed), Nursing, Law etc.
Student enrolment in PG and U. G programs since inception
Year | M.Sc.I Year II Year | U. G I Year II Year III Year | |||
2008-09 | |||||
2009-10 | 634 | 514 | |||
2010-11 | 724 | 413 | 380 | 336 | |
2011-12 | 723 | 484 | 338 | 276 | |
2012-13 | 731 | 568 | 311 | 258 | |
2013-14 | 536 | 506 | 300 | 196 | |
2014-15 | 530 | 414 | 333 | 227 | |
2015-16 | 424 | 294 | 303 | 250 | |
2016-17 | 496 | 401 | ( CBCS) | 393 | 264 |
2017-18 | 552 | 370 | 487 | 334 | 271 |
2018-19 | 637 | 453 | 545 | 253 | 320 |
2019-20 | 845 | 530 | 614 | 328 | 188 |
2020-21 | 1128 | 679 | 807 | 343 | 294 |
Total | 7960 | 5112 | 2453 | 4130 | 2880 |
The data in the above table show that there is much increase in the enrolment of students in M. Sc psychology program. The number of admissions in P. G program is almost doubled in 2020 – 21 as compared to 2009 -10.Similar trend can also be observed at U G level under CBCS system. Enrolment of students in U G Psychology program increased from 487 in 2017 – 18 to 807 in 2021 – 21. This shows the demand and popularity of psychology subject in student community and society in general.
6. Future Plans
Efforts are being made to launch academic and professional programs relating to psychology in the near future. Following are some of the programs in pipeline.
- M. Phil and Ph. D: In view of the need for research in psychology to strengthen the discipline and the demand from student community, M. Phil and Ph. D programs will be started soon.
- P G Diploma in Counselling Psychology: The demand for Psychology Counsellors is increasing in modern society and there is dearth of trained professionals in India and abroad. Efforts are underway to launch Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology.